Monday, January 23, 2012

Top 11 Moments of 2011: Number 9

Trying New Foods

Over the year of 2011 I got the opportunity to try a variety of new foods. Here's a few of the different foods that are native to Botswana that I got to try:


the marula fruit
This is a fruit that grows on trees. They have a yellow skin when ripe with a white fleshy part inside. This fleshy part has a very tart taste to it but is rich in vitamin C.  Inside of that is the pit or stone. When that part dries out the expose their seeds. The seeds are really good and remind my of a softer walnut taste.  The locals like to make a home brew out of the marula fruit. I go to try this and it was pretty disgusting. They also make marula jam out of it and use the seed kernel to make a marula oil which is good for skin care. Marula fruit is also used to make a liquor called Amarula which is very nice.

the seeds
Amarula Liquor, pretty good!


a sliced open leraka
This is a weird lumpy green looking thing that once cooked tastes a lot like a squash. When cooked and eaten with milk it has the consistency of mashed potatoes and is pretty tasty. To hear more about more experience with the leraka you can go here.


moretwa berries

This is a small red berry that grows in the bush. It is very sweet and seedy. It's nice because I can buy a cup full for around P5 (about $0.60) in my village. It is a little bit juicy, but has a dry after taste. One lady in my clinic said they were grapes, but I don't think they are anything like grapes. When eating them I like to spit the seeds out at the chickens its a fun little game for a boring afternoon. 

the seeds

If you haven't seen moments 10 and 11 be sure to check them out and then check in tomorrow for moment number 8!

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